Mens Skins

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One of its hero ingredient series • Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola - A very special anti ageing ingredient in our face scrub

Everyone loves an effective natural blend in their skincare routine. Gotu kola provides major benefits to your skin. This natural ingredient has been used for centuries. 

When you want your skin to restore its elasticity and firmness, there has to be collagen production. Gotu kola is great for stimulating collagen. Not only that, it also protects your skin from free radicals and UV rays. Gotu kola helps in boosting the collagen, forestalling the presence of wrinkles, pigmentation and other ageing issues. It is even accepted to be proficient in battling cellulite because of its firming properties.

Not only that, it also helps in lightening and brightening dark circles while reducing puffiness. “It has the capability to get absorbed into your skin deeply and thus offers rejuvenating benefits to the same

Gotu kola is also known to repair veins on your skin. That’s because it can penetrate into the deep layers, and show its benefits. It is so effective that it is widely used as a treatment for varicose veins, and helps to break down cellulite by shrinking connective tissues that bind fat cells under the skin.